Sunday, December 19, 2010

Lets Smile

Five healthy lifestyle to quality life.
Reviewing literature from psychology and other non-dental fields regarding the study of “the smile” allows us to assess the social-emotional effects the smile has in our life. Humans are first and foremost social creatures. Much of what makes us tick has to do with our interrelations with other humans; everything else is subjugated to our emotions toward ourselves and what we think others feel about us. Understanding the basic need of humans to be appreciated and understood, many researchers have studied the subject of human relations and how to build them.
Are you living depressing days wondering when this will end? Want to life a enjoyable life? Wish to see, feel and live an tempting – actually awesome – life filled with moments to treasure? Continue reading to get a taste of 5 lifestyle tips and tricks we have for you and which are bound to improve the quality of your life!
Eat Healthily
Eating healthily does indeed dramatically impact your life. According to much research conducted in many places around the world, continuous intake of junk food will not only raise your cholesterol and fat levels to over health threshold levels which will lead you to obesity, but it also ultimately leads you to a life style of laziness and carelessness.
To eat healthily, try to follow these pointers which will take you up the first couple of steps on the proper nutrition ladder:
  • Eat 3 times a day.
  • The last meal (dinner or supper) has to be taken at least 3 hours before you go to sleep.
  • Avoid junk food
  • Eat fruits as part of your meals but after 1 hour from the main course – not to bloat your stomach.
  • Avoid much sweets and chocolates. Although a portion of chocolate per day (0.5 ounces or so) are said to be good for one’s health.
  • Drink at least 1.5 to 2 liters of water (not juice, coffee of any other liquid) per day – this will help your kidneys function well and prolong their activity (and hence your life)
Practice Sports
Walking for at least 30 minutes a day helps regulating your blood circulation and general health. Try to avoid walking or practicing sports right after a meal as this hinders the process of digestion, massively reduces the benefits of the sport as well as causes joint and/or stitches pain.
Listen to Music
Music has been nominated as one of the most relaxing and spiritually boasting factors of life. Of course the taste of music is different from a person to another, but the generally relaxing music is agreed to be the soft or classic genre.
Take at least 5-10 minutes of meditation per day. To help you get in the mood of thinking about nothing, you might as well listen to relaxing music. This is bound to calm you down after a storming day.
Have a Goal

Rather have an ultimate goal (like an eternal life you’re working towards or a humanitarian goal) and work your way towards it using milestones of goals that may or may not have something to do with the ultimate goal but do fulfill some need or aspiration in you.
There are quite a number of books, articles, research papers and statistics that have been written, made and conducted about the goal-oriented life style and its benefits. As a matter of fact, the current best seller in the US is Reveren Rick Warren’s “Purpose Driven Life”. This book leads you through a series of brainstorming sessions, out of which you will work your way (yourself) to acknowledging the presence of God, His love to you and then you will also discover the purpose of your creation. This purpose need not be evangelical on the surface, but rather through one’s own work, family and surroundings, one may be serving his/her purpose of existence once the goal is placed in front of oneself.
As simple as it may sound, many people tend to miss it and frown instead. It takes about 17 facial muscles to smile, while it takes about 41 facial muscles to frown. Regardless of the exact number (which is indeed subject to much controversy between scientists, researchers and other experts), no one has ever denied the fact that it takes more effort to frown – let alone the tense mood one’s put in – in turn.
Have you ever heard the saying “A smile is contagious”? Well, this is quite true as most research illustrate.
Life elongating – A smile can indeed help in elongating your life (or at least not reducing it like many other factors of our life). The benefit increases if your smile actually turns into a laugh, but anyhow, the benefit remains an issue to consider.
Wrinkles avoidance/reduction – This is definitely good news for advocates of keeping the young look and feel throughout the years. Since smiling uses less number of muscles than frowning, you tend to reduce the facial tension which is one of the factors leading to wrinkles.
Lets Smile “Live a healthy life”

Laughing is infectious. The sound of roaring laughter will most likely to influence you to smile. When a group of people laugh, it binds people together and increases happiness and intimacy. In addition to the domino effect of joy and amusement, laughter also triggers healthy physical changes in the body. Humor and laughter strengthen your immune system, boost your energy, diminish pain, and protect you from the damaging effects of stress. Best of all, this priceless medicine is fun, free, and easy to use.
Laughter is the human gift for coping and for survival. Think only human being in the planet can laugh. A greatest blessing for mankind . So why unnecessary you take stress. Just start laughing from now.
Can you explain the advantages of laughing. I think no. Its beyond description. A very very simple thing “laugh”can change your life. Laughing the best medication in the planet. You don’t need to spend money or time to smile. So just laugh. Don’t try to find reason to smile.
Though it is beyond description. However it has been tried to describe some benefit of laughing .
• Improve your immune system
• Keep your heart well
• Make your concept clear and help you to take prompt decision.
• Enhance your IQ and getting sharper.
• Better flexibility
• Get rid of emotional turmoil quickly
• Remove stress and tension
• Make yourself optimistic
• Pessimist will envy you
• Living longer life
• Read the future better
• Developing sixth sense
Laughter has intensive power reduce to stress, pain, and conflict. Nothing works faster or more dependably to bring your mind and body back into balance than a good laugh. Humor lightens your burdens, inspires hopes, connects you to others, and keeps you grounded, focused, and alert. So laugh and cut your medical expenses and live a healthier life than others who forgets to smile.
Smiles to Influence

Almost 70 years ago, in his landmark book “How to Win Friends and Influence People,” Dale Carnegie talks about the all important need of humans to have meaningful relationships with others and how good social interrelationships can lead to much success in life and in business. Interestingly, in his book he devoted the very first chapter to the importance of a smile, it being the “big secret of dealing with people.” In this chapter, he spoke of the importance of using the smile to create good, positive first impressions and cited Charles Schwab as an example. Schwab was known for his influential smile, and through empirical observation, became well aware of its power. But was this empirical observation true to science? In a study done by the University of Oxford and the Virginia Polytechnic Institute, conducted with the intention of assessing the method humans use most to identify cooperative partners, researchers studied the effect of the smile; the results of the study lent “support to the prediction that smiles can elicit cooperation amongst strangers in a one-short interaction.” In simple words, a smile can win friends and influence people.
Smile to Please

The smile is the most basic facial expression and when we deprive ourselves of it we are denying ourselves pleasure. Yet the public spends far more on makeup products (billions of dollars every year) than they spend in all fields of dentistry combined. The reason? Humans have an unstoppable urge to be liked and appreciated. We have learned that a pleasant appearance makes us more popular. The first things people notice on a person's face are the eyes, the mouth and the smile (or lack thereof). A smile makes us appear more cooperative and research also shows that a pleasant smile induces a similar response, bringing pleasure to the person with the smile and the person receiving the smile. No amount of makeup or jewelry will ever do that.

Smile as a Therapy

The ultimate value of the smile is its ability to bring us joy, but is the smile a result of a joyous occasion? Or can the smile itself give us pleasure? On this subject, research by J. K. Hietanen and V. Surakka in 1997 shed light on the fact that a smile can actually induce a “feeling of pleasure,” even if the smile is that of a stranger in a photo, as long as the smile is genuine. Hietanen and Surakka attempted to explain the neural mechanism that can allow the receiver, or the person being smiled at, and the signaler, or the person smiling, to share a feeling of true pleasure thanks to the smile. It is no wonder that most advertisements in magazines and on television include people laughing and smiling with gorgeous teeth. Marketing experts are well aware of the pleasure-inducing power of smiles.

What is so special about a smile that really needs to cover up, instead of its description as a facial expression made by involving muscles near mouth and eyes?

Studies find that smiling can improve health condition. It can boost immune system. This might be because when people smiling, they feel more relaxed. Thus, all the organs work well so as the immune system.

Another thing is smiling releases endorphin hormone, which is known as natural pain killer or natural pain relaxant. This endorphin stimulates a feeling of joy and relieves any kind of stresses.

A simple act of smile can also change mood into more positive feeling. In general, a smile is associated with pleasure, happiness or amusement. It is hard to think of something negative while smiling because the smile sends these natural signals of happiness to a body. When happiness comes, mostly negative things will be ignored.

Genuine smile requires muscles around mouth and eyes which have the same effect as face-lift. Therefore, people who like to smile look younger and more attractive. Many people tend to draw their attention toward a person with a smile than a person with a frown.

While doing a presentation or in a meeting, it is suggested to keep smiling while facing the audience because a smile shows confidence and in the same time creates friendly approach.

The best fact of smiling is that it is contagious. A smile does not only change the feeling inside oneself but also change the atmosphere of the whole people around. Since it has a special function as universal sign regardless of languages, countries, culture and ages, it is easy to communicate a smile to any kind of people.

Most people may not realize that they have a great power to change the world through their smile. Yes, the power is actually within them. If only they could start every day of their lives with a smile since they are getting up in the morning and share this smile to closest persons, to their neighbor, to people in their office, to their boss etc. They will see a difference 'a smile' brings to their life.